WASPI update and advice event Friday 26th April

I’m hosting a free advice event alongside Age Scotland and the WASPI campaign to support women affected by the UK Government’s pension policy.

The event will update constituents affected by the pension shortfall as estimates have revealed there are more than 3,000 women in the Edinburgh East constituency who have lost out due to the UK Government’s handling of changes to the state pension age.

It will take place on Friday, April 26 at Portobello Library, 14 Rosefield Avenue, Edinburgh EH15 1AU from 1pm to 2pm.

Following the publication of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman report, UK Ministers have so far failed to give a guarantee that they will honour the recommended payments. Labour have also so far failed to make any pledges to commit to pay outs for women impacted. The SNP has been campaigning for those affected to receive full compensation for the estimated 342,000 WASPI women across Scotland, which is the central ask of the WASPI campaign.

This event on April 26th will set out the ombudsman’s recent recommendations regarding compensation, what the next steps are and also give people a chance to raise issues with their local MP to take these up with UK Ministers.

Age Scotland will be on hand alongside the WASPI campaign and I to give an update for affected women on the situation and also answer any questions to help those affected access additional financial help.

Frankly, it’s nothing short of a betrayal that Labour and the Tories are still refusing to join our call to fully compensate the women who have been badly let down by the UK Government.

The report from the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman could not have been clearer: the WASPI women were failed by Westminster, and this needs to be put right. 

“I’ll be putting as much pressure as possible on the Tories and Labour to fully compensate the thousands of women across Edinburgh East and the many more across the country.

One of the most tragic aspects of all this is that thousands of WASPI women across Scotland have already died without receiving justice. I’ve been inspired by the determination of the women who have contacted me on this issue, and I’m determined to continue to do everything I can to support them.

I’m particularly delighted to have input from Age Scotland who will be on hand to support anyone attending with advice. They’ve been campaigning very strongly on this issue alongside the SNP and others to demand action of the UK Government with Katherine Crawford, Age Scotland’s Chief Executive saying in support of the upcoming event:

“The rise to State Pension Age left millions of women in great hardship, and WASPI campaigners have been fighting for many years to address this injustice. These women have waited long enough for vindication and can’t afford to wait even longer to be fairly compensated. Now is the time for swift action from the UK Government and Parliament.

“Our helpline advisors will be on hand at this important event to offer information about social security and making sure people are getting everything they are entitled to.”